Not having living during the era in which this was marketed, I naturally have questions. I have several questions.
1. Is this a joke?
2. How much does she pay for the storage locker where she keeps her intestines?
3. How was childbearing negotiated during this age? For that matter, how was conception negotiated?
4. Is the brand named "Erect Form" because, when the corset is off, the wearer topples over like a poorly designed PlayDoh sculpture?
5. No, really. Is this a joke?
I also must point out that this contraption was marketed as 'comfortable'. I have to agree on this, it does look comfortable. Then again, I sleep with bamboo shoots under my fingernails and knitting needles poked through my eyelids. Ahhhhh. So comfy. It feels just like snuggling with gramma.
I am curious if it's okay to quote you on facespace and mybook, while probably giving you some sort of credit by linking to this blog? I do not want to plaguer, pliajer, take your words without asking. BTW, hilarious.
I like your blog. Please update it every 5 minutes.
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