Saturday, December 27, 2008

Good Ideas, Bad Ideas

Good Idea: Supporting small businesses, going green, dontating to your local food bank.

Bad Idea: Barfing red wine over your balcony into a snowbank, making it obvious that YOU are to blame for the recent series of vomit puddles found all over a densely-populated apartment building. I'm looking at you, suite 2102.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Thought of the Day

Hey, McSweeney's!

I sent you some funny shit like weeks ago. It's not going to stay fresh forever. I like you, and I want to see my name on the McSweeney's Internet Tendency. I could do something for you in return... I've never attempted it, but I have this sneaking suspicion that I would make a great drug mule.

M. Wood

Oh CNN, you never fail to disappoint.

As per my daily routine of visiting my four favourite news sites, I came upon today and discovered what is potentially the most suprising news story of the year. Look out Barack Obama-- there's a new story on the block. Stop the presses, because we've got one hell of a scoop, and it has nothing to do with Ben and Jerry's, people.
According to the Atlanta-based news service, there's "No good way to tell kids they have cancer". Fucking Yikes.

Not only did CNN see fit to inform the public at large about this breaking headline, but they (correctly!) decided to make it their lead story on
I have prepared a list of possible headlines for CNN to fall back on as they plough through the inevitable muck in attemping to back up what will inevitably be remembered as 2008's most sensationalistic claim.
"Genital herpes no picnic"
"Losing home and family to fire puts damper on holidays for local man"
"Religion continues to be point of debate in most countries"
"Study: Sex often leads to pregnancy, say docs"

Once again, I'd like to extend my personal kudos to Ted Turner's CableNewsNetwork for keeping us abreast of breaking news, as it happens.

Post Script: I find Anderson Cooper to be quite attractive.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


This guy is such an asshole.
When his fiendish gaze molests me through the television, I have to do deep-breathing exercizes and make myself some cammomile tea.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Thought of the Day

Can Milk please get into theatres already??

Monday, December 8, 2008

Freckled Misfortune

I weep for you, Little Red.

When I look into your hopeful and mentally unsound gaze, I can see into your future. What does tomorrow hold for you, you ask? Well, I'll tell you, but you're not gonna like it.

The unfulfilled dreams that will come to be the defining theme of your adulthood will makes themselves known on this very special Christmas.

You see, Little Red, you're not going to get that Schwinn. Not even close. The most exciting gift you'll get this Christmas is the noctural emission that you will experience Christmas Eve. From there, it's all downhill. Not just during Christmas. For the rest of your life.

Though you will go to college, you will spend the majority of your time getting nosebleeds and being taunted for your red pubic hair by precocious co-eds.

This trend of utter failure to gain acceptance by women (or society in general) will lead you to become a cantankerous old codger who calls the cable company to complain about the lack of a Channel One.

RIP Hopeful Little Red.

If You Read This Blog...

Feel free to comment!

I like being criticized. A lot.

I like the one-way-blind style of social interaction. It fascinates me. I also like the one-way-blind style of sexual interaction, but that's a whole different post.

It's actually really weird, because I just assume nobody reads this page, but the other day I installed a counter to see if anybody actually visits my home here on the interweb, and all of a sudden I see there have been 170 (unique) visits in a very short period.

I like to hear feedback. You can even be bitchy. I can handle it. I'm tough!

Your comment might look like this:

"You self-righteous bitch. Where the HELL do you get off?"

Or, it might resemble this:

"I hate your face but I think your funny"

Or you might be inspired to write me a love letter:

"hey i m 15 & horney u single?"

The point is, please comment! If you do, I might flash you my boobs.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Thought of the Day

Swiss Chalet is like.... really really tasty food.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Momma Don't Take My Kodachrome Awaaaaay....

Ever wonder if you're someone's everything?
I’m everyone’s everything.

Last song played more then three times?
Kodachrome. I’ve also been having a musical affair with American Girl by Tom Petty. Even though I am the consummate Canadian girl. I’ll pay for it in the afterlife, I’m sure.

Tie yourself to someone for a day, who is it?
A bartender anywhere in the Miramichi.

Do you drink?
Drinking is where I’m a Viking! Although a certain drunken East Coaster who’s name rhymes with Schmara Flancy would strongly dispute this claim.

Did you take a nap today?
No, but I gave a nap today. And by nap, I mean rim job.

What's something nobody knows about you?
"Don't Stop Believin'"by Journey is so beautiful it makes me cry.

Couch, sofa, or chesterfield?
I’d rather do it in the bushes, if it’s all the same to you…

What always makes you laugh?
I don’t want to sound jaded, but it takes a lot to make me LOL. (Ok, this is a total lie. I laugh 24/7. Anyone who knows me already knows this. I laugh longest and loudest at penis, sex, and poo jokes).

Who's the last person you ate out with?
Bahahahahhahahaha!! No! No!

Are you a jealous person?
Not unless you have something I want.

Who do you hate currently?
Betti White. And by hate, I mean love. And by love, I mean adore in an inappropriate way.

What is your hidden talent?
I can answer questionnaires at a moderate speed and post them on a blog that I’m sure not even one person reads.

Your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?
Remind him he’s a big homo and ask him to take me for burgers at the White Spot.

What’s on your bedroom floor?
A bra, a copy of Dubliners, and durable, moderately-priced berber carpet.

Beer, Wine or Liquor?
Beer. I’ll liquor only if her boyfriend says it’s ok.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

RANT: To the Asshair Who Doesn't Know How to Properly Dispose of Garbage

I'm not sure you're aware that there is a garbage storage facility in the building, so let me give you a few (polite!) pointers that will no doubt clarify the issue of waste disposal.

Tip #1
There is an assigned area for the purging of household waste in this building. It's called the Garbage Chute. It's at the end of the hall (right next to my place!), and you are able to throw 'garbage' down a special 'chute' so it goes into the dumpster.

It's really fun to use! You open the door, throw the garbage down, then watch and listen as it makes it journey to the dumpster. If this doesn't sound like something you could get interested in using, why not make a game of it? I like to play a game called "Garbage Suprise!" in which I silently wait for someone to open the chute on a floor below mine, and then throw down the loudest trash I have (suggestions: old dinner plates, marbles, a bag full of broken glass, etc). It gets the junk out of your house, and the noise and sudden appearance of falling garbage scares the bejeesus out of your neighbours. (I like to think of myself as the queen, and the people who live below me as my jesters-- their shouts of terror-induced suprise is how they entertain and please me). You also live on the top floor, like me, so feel free to formulate your own garbage-related fantasies.

Tip #2
Just because it looks big, doesn't mean it can't get any smaller. I know that pizza boxes look positively monstrous in comparaison to the opening of the Garbage Chute (hereon referred to as G.C), but if you fold them up, they'll go down just fine. This means you won't have to leave behind big trashstuffs in front of the G.C, which, did I mention, is right next to my place? In an ideal world, you would recycle these boxes, but I realize these concepts are quite new to you... And the holidays are coming, so I don't want to put any more stress on you than necessary. So, in brief-- make big things littler.

Tip #3
There are a lot of people in this world, which means a lot of garbage. Someone saw that all this garbage was blowing around and making a mess in big cities, so they got together and invented "Garbage Bags". I know, right? What better thing to put down a Garbage Chute than a Garbage Bag!?!? This always gets me to thinking about the chicken-or-the-egg debate, but that's a little advanced for you, so I'll try and focus.
The garbage bag will hold all your trash (or 'rubbish' if you're from across the pond-ha!) and when it's full, you tie it up and throw it down Big G.C!
This means you don't have to stomp down the hallway (past my place-Hi!) and throw out one item at a time. As much as I love opening up G.C and forensically investigating what you've been storing in your fridge for the last 4 months. It gets a little stinky and sometimes the old food gets on the handle of the G.C and it then transfers onto my hand. I like to think you're a big chutney fan, but I can't go on lying to myself anymore. It's not chutney, it's liquified Kraft Dinner. And it smells... not so nice. I only know this because the G.C is right next to my place.

Now I know that these are hard economic times, the government is on the brink of collapse, and the local competitive sports team isn't doing too well, but I would love to give you the gift of proper garbage disposal this Christmas.

It's what Jesus would have wanted. Because the only thing better than the Big G.C is the Big J.C!

Merry Christmas!
The nice young lady who lives right next to the garbage chute.

RAVE: Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer

Ok, I'm just going to say it.

I love you.

I love the shit out of you.

It's because of you that I'm gay for claymation.

Where do I even begin?

When we first met, I was 6 and it was Christmas Eve. I had just cut my sister's finger so bad she needed stitches. She had the scissors I wanted so I could make paper snowflakes. So I took them, and a bloodbath ensued.

As my parents were thus occupied, I settled in for some Christmas Eve television. And then..... you entered my life.

I will never forget the instant connection we shared-- it was as if my heart left my body and joined with yours in timeless stop-motion animation.

I would never be the same.

Sure, we've had our ups and downs. I doubt you'll ever forgive me for the year when I had to choose to watch National Lampoons Christmas Vacation instead, because it was scheduled in the same time slot. What can I say? I really love the part when the cat gets electrocuted. But you have never been far from my heart.

Every Christmas season, there you are. You are my rock, my pillar of strength. I laugh when Rudolph is marginalized for his red nose. I cry when the Head Elf won't let Hermie be a dentist. Hermie is the dentist of my heart. He fills the cavities of my soul with a bonding compound of happiness.

I am forever altered by you, Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. And when we get old and grey and make our way into the next life, I know you will by my side, with love as precious as Silver and Gold.

Yours forever,