Saturday, December 27, 2008
Good Ideas, Bad Ideas

Thursday, December 18, 2008
Thought of the Day
I sent you some funny shit like weeks ago. It's not going to stay fresh forever. I like you, and I want to see my name on the McSweeney's Internet Tendency. I could do something for you in return... I've never attempted it, but I have this sneaking suspicion that I would make a great drug mule.
M. Wood
Oh CNN, you never fail to disappoint.
According to the Atlanta-based news service, there's "No good way to tell kids they have cancer". Fucking Yikes.
Not only did CNN see fit to inform the public at large about this breaking headline, but they (correctly!) decided to make it their lead story on CNN.com.
I have prepared a list of possible headlines for CNN to fall back on as they plough through the inevitable muck in attemping to back up what will inevitably be remembered as 2008's most sensationalistic claim.
"Genital herpes no picnic"
"Losing home and family to fire puts damper on holidays for local man"
"Religion continues to be point of debate in most countries"
"Study: Sex often leads to pregnancy, say docs"
Once again, I'd like to extend my personal kudos to Ted Turner's CableNewsNetwork for keeping us abreast of breaking news, as it happens.
Post Script: I find Anderson Cooper to be quite attractive.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Monday, December 8, 2008
Freckled Misfortune

I weep for you, Little Red.
When I look into your hopeful and mentally unsound gaze, I can see into your future. What does tomorrow hold for you, you ask? Well, I'll tell you, but you're not gonna like it.
The unfulfilled dreams that will come to be the defining theme of your adulthood will makes themselves known on this very special Christmas.
You see, Little Red, you're not going to get that Schwinn. Not even close. The most exciting gift you'll get this Christmas is the noctural emission that you will experience Christmas Eve. From there, it's all downhill. Not just during Christmas. For the rest of your life.
Though you will go to college, you will spend the majority of your time getting nosebleeds and being taunted for your red pubic hair by precocious co-eds.
This trend of utter failure to gain acceptance by women (or society in general) will lead you to become a cantankerous old codger who calls the cable company to complain about the lack of a Channel One.
RIP Hopeful Little Red.
If You Read This Blog...

Saturday, December 6, 2008
Friday, December 5, 2008
Momma Don't Take My Kodachrome Awaaaaay....

Ever wonder if you're someone's everything?
I’m everyone’s everything.
Last song played more then three times?
Kodachrome. I’ve also been having a musical affair with American Girl by Tom Petty. Even though I am the consummate Canadian girl. I’ll pay for it in the afterlife, I’m sure.
Tie yourself to someone for a day, who is it?
A bartender anywhere in the Miramichi.
Do you drink?
Drinking is where I’m a Viking! Although a certain drunken East Coaster who’s name rhymes with Schmara Flancy would strongly dispute this claim.
Did you take a nap today?
No, but I gave a nap today. And by nap, I mean rim job.
What's something nobody knows about you?
"Don't Stop Believin'"by Journey is so beautiful it makes me cry.
Couch, sofa, or chesterfield?
I’d rather do it in the bushes, if it’s all the same to you…
What always makes you laugh?
I don’t want to sound jaded, but it takes a lot to make me LOL. (Ok, this is a total lie. I laugh 24/7. Anyone who knows me already knows this. I laugh longest and loudest at penis, sex, and poo jokes).
Who's the last person you ate out with?
Bahahahahhahahaha!! No! No!
Are you a jealous person?
Not unless you have something I want.
Who do you hate currently?
Betti White. And by hate, I mean love. And by love, I mean adore in an inappropriate way.
What is your hidden talent?
I can answer questionnaires at a moderate speed and post them on a blog that I’m sure not even one person reads.
Your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?
Remind him he’s a big homo and ask him to take me for burgers at the White Spot.
What’s on your bedroom floor?
A bra, a copy of Dubliners, and durable, moderately-priced berber carpet.
Beer, Wine or Liquor?
Beer. I’ll liquor only if her boyfriend says it’s ok.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
RANT: To the Asshair Who Doesn't Know How to Properly Dispose of Garbage

RAVE: Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer

Friday, November 21, 2008
Proposals For New TV Shows

Starring British heartthrob and crooner James Blunt, this reality drama-dy will focus entirely on the lives of one of his female stalkers. Cameos slated for the first several episodes include Jessica Rabbit, Markie Post, Judge James Ito, and the Kool-Aid jug man.
Good watching? Oh YEAH!
2. Walden- The Series
Reworked from Henry David Thoreau's Transcendental masterpiece, Walden- The Series will strike a chord with senior citizens everywhere. Essentially one hour of nature photography, the show will serve as a gentle respite from the terror found in our Post-Post Modern world. Bronson Pinchot will make a brief appearance as Super Space-Bot #2 in the show's pilot. Mayim Bialik will be a series mainstay, appearing as a useless pile of leaves.
3. Teddy Ruxpin 2092
It's the year 2092, and the evil Queen of Sugar Mountain is secretly assembling an army of Gummi Bears. Fierce and terrifyingly pliable, the Gummi Bears will no doubt carry out the Queen's plot to enslave the human race. Our only hope is Teddy Ruxpin, the anamatronic justice-seeker from deep in the Siberian rainforest. Will Teddy save us from the Queen's sugary doom before it's too late? Tune in to find out!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Things I Hate (With Only One Justification)
2. Books that are entitled "Confessions of (anything)"
3. Outhouses
4. Rosie o'Donnell
5.When girls say that their significant other "treats me like a princess". Cringe. Your lack of creativity in defining your relationship suggests that your love is as cliched and meaningless as the phrase itself.
6. Non-stick pans which turn out to be something other than non-stick.
7. Unwashed mullets.
8. Washed mullets.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Five Things I Will Never Understand About Halloween

Saturday, October 25, 2008
Consider It Reduced
Friday, October 24, 2008
I Hope Someone Throws Up In His Face On Halloween
Next up, how you can stitch together a wedding dress in minutes using disassembled maxi pads! It's a bargain hunters dream, period!

Marcel Marceau Is Silently Expressing His Concern.

Life, she has not been good to me.
Zees is why, when I wake from ze four-day slumber brought to me by ze angels of Absinthe, j'aime buver ze Chocolat Poulain. Because, as we say in Paree, "Better chocolat zan a pistol to ze face"
Friday, October 17, 2008
Unsettling As It Gets
Thursday, October 16, 2008
A Few of My Favorite Words
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
An Open Letter to Scientology
That's right. I'm talking to you, Scientology.
Fuck you.
Who do you think you are?
First, let's talk about pedigree. A science-fiction writer? Really?
Because, the last time I checked, sci-fi authors were right next to infomercial hosts in the Least Credible Human Beings department. Following a religion that was started by a sci-fi writer is as ridiculous as following some treasure hunter who found a few golden plates in..... wait..... Nevermind.
And you really know your faith will hold up to the test of time if the only way you can get people into your church is to trick them. And don't underestimate the power of B- and C-list celebrities as spokespeople. Nothing says "Respite Of The Soul" like closeted middle-aged caucasian men.
Next, we'll move on to doctrine.
Or, at least we'll move on to doctrine in theory, because apparently you have no doctrine. Watching a Scientology conversion video is like trying to have an orgasm for 7 hours. Nothing is actually accomplished, and you get so frustrated you want to chainsaw someone's face off.
Also, who is this Xenu person? Because I could have sworn it was a fabrication of L. Ron Hubbard's imagination... You know, just some standard H.G Wells-ish bad guy. But I was wrong.... Xenu came here a long time ago and messed up our shit, and his grandchildren stayed here to make life difficult for people. Not like Concentration Camp-difficult, but "My family just doesn't GET me"-difficult.
As if this laundry list of foolishness wasn't enough, you also demand huge amounts of cash from your followers. There is absolutely no precedent in Western Civilization for asking parishoners to pony up mon....oh........wait....
I was wrong.
I guess you are a legitimate religion.
Please find enclosed your tax exemption forms.
M. Wood
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
I am a swinging lamp of antique fashion.
I think I need some structure.
How do you like your coffee?
The same way I like my men-- ground up and in the freezer.
Can you touch your nose with your tongue?
No, but I can touch YOUR nose with my tongue! And by nose, I mean genitals.
What's your favorite element?
The element of surprise.
What are some of your favourite things?
Reading in bed, bedding in red, camping, building campfires, baby yorkies, baby Yorkies.
What was the last book you read?
The last book I read for my own pleasure is "She's Come Undone", which I've actually read about a dozen times.
Name a movie you really hated.
Ugh.... 300. What a horrible movie. I do not understand why so many people like this movie.
What item couldn't you possibly live without?
My iPod. Well, I suppose I could live without it, but life would not be as sweet as it is now that I can listen to the entirety of the Motown Library whenever I want.
Describe the perfect day.
It would involve beer, a private screening of Silence of the Lambs, and possibly cake. And by possibly, I mean definetely.
What was the last movie you saw at the theater?
Lars and the Real Girl. Really, really good.
The last time you cried...?
I'm not a big crier..... I usually bottle up my emotions until they manifest in panic attacks.
Do you believe that the cup is half empty or half full?
It depends on who's wearing it.
What do you do for fun?
Hustle Japanese businessmen.
What 3 words would your best friend use to describe you?
Malignant. Yeasty. Rancid. But she's wrong. I'm actually pretty rad.
What is your favorite candy?
Blue Whales. The gummies, not the actual whales.
What did you do last night?
Translated Middle English and went to bed with Dubliners. The book, not the actual people.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
He may need suds of another kind....

Lonely, sexually neglected, devoid of magenta.
He needs a break. And what relieves a middle-aged red-blooded man better than.... a bubble bath!
Not just a bubble bath, but a bath with PURE foam, the kind of foam exclusive to Ivory. Banish from your mind the impotent froth of Dove. Discard any notion of the uninspiring lather of Pears. True satisfaction can only be found in foam as pure as the driven snow.
Something about that smile tells me he dropped the soap......
Monday, March 3, 2008
Tuesday, February 19, 2008

And what better way to take advantage of your newfound freedom than..... smoking the cigarette of extra smokes! What does this mean? Why, it means that each cigarette contains 10% more puff-potential than the leading national brand. Gone is the soul-wrenching butting out of the cigarette that just didn't last long enough. You'll butt out knowing you sucked every last nico-tastic puff.
But wait, you ask, don't extra smokes in the season of extra smoking just add up to a whole lot more smoking? Of course it does, but this is America. And doing something right means doing it to excess. We didn't drop the bomb on Hiroshima in order to smoke a reasonable amount, we did it so that we can smoke ourselves into oblivion, God Dammit!
So enjoy your summer. Get on your best wool coat and turtleneck, head to the beach, and smoke those mothers!!
Sunday, February 17, 2008
That's A Pretty Big 'But'.......

She's Frenchified, and she'll destroy you and everything you hold dear. She is the Communism of sex.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Wrong Wrong Wrong

Monday, February 11, 2008
Mmmm.... Hunger-Induced Hallucinations

Libby's. For when you're so mother fucking hungry, you'll wear window sheers instead of expending the energy it takes to do laundry.
Addendum: Who picked out that wedding ring for her? It looks like a clearance item from Fifth Avenue Collection.
Pleasure Derived from Silicone

- An anatomically correct supporting actress made from silicone
- Fantastic acting by Ryan Gosling
- That Canadian actress that played the leading role in Life With Billy
- Pink bowling balls
- A non-romantic comedy that contains both romance and comedy
- Did I mention there was a silicone love-doll?
Friday, February 8, 2008
Cookies for Souls

This child is... somehow.... not right.
I'm not sure if it's the sculpted eyebrows, the cryptic gender of the child itself, or the association of nudity with cookies.
All I know is that I'm pretty sure it knows that I touch myself, and it likes the fact that I know that it knows.
Also, I dare you to find a nipple. Male or Female, it should have a nipple plainly visible based on what we can see of its torso. No nipple= probably not even human.
I appreciate the word usage in the recipe. Nowadays, if someone used the phrase "three-way cooky" in a sentence, everyone's head would turn to the haggard blonde at the end of the bar.
Seeing as though we're playing fast and loose with the spelling of words, I'm not sure what to make of the 'scrumpshus' exclamation at the top. It's either A.) supposed to be cute, as if 'it' spelled the word incorrectly like little 'its' tend to do, or B.) the ad was written during war time. All the nutrient-absent powdered egg and canned meat everyone was forced to eat tooks its toll on the ol' grammatical skills.
Speaking of nutrients, please note how corn syrup is described as nourishing. Because Karo is rich in dextrose, the sugar your body uses directly for energy. Uh, ya, I'd say it's rich in dextrose, considering it's ONE HUNDRED PERCENT dextrose! It's syrup! Although I'm sure this would have been a big selling feature at the time- everyone just needed that extra kick of energy to get them to the next uncertain and terrifying day.
That being said, where can I buy that nifty cookie jar?
My Blood Is Your Blood

You poor son of a bitch.
How DO you manage every month? I'll bet during all that cramping and irritability, she doesn't even have the energy to make you your weekday dinner of a full beef roast with all the trimmings. Broads. They always complain the loudest.
Note how miserable this guy looks. Furrowed brow, excessive head-turning. He radiates the melancholy of a man whose whites aren't quite their whitest, and whose drawers weren't starched OR ironed. Lazy bitch.
One can just imagine the after-dinner conversation down at the Lodge:
"..... some new-fangled ailment called PMS. Why, just last week, Bob and Vera down the street separated. Now, you didn`t hear it from me, but word is that he had put up with one too many of her monthly 'temper tantrums'. Sure he`s been nailing every secretary this side of the Mason-Dixon line, but it`s no excuse for her to snap her dishtowel in anger and storm out of the room. These childish outbursts are exactly what us fellas DON`T need after 7 hours at the office. When we come home, we like to have our dinner hot, our children quiet, and our wives emotionally repressed. It`s the American way. Feelings are for communists.
Thank God she saw the ad for Femicin in Photoplay, no more of that moody business. Now she`s back to acting like the woman I married. Heh heh heh, without the cherry of course. Another bourboun, fellas?"
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Giving the People What They Want: Sensationalistic Religion-Bashing
Today, my frustration stems from an episode of Wife Swap, but it's been building steadily, as has my fascination with the Evangelical movement and their apparent pillar of faith, Creationism. I get that it's not the central tenant of their faith, but it seems to be the topic on which so much of their energy is concentrated.Like most reasonable people slash Non-Americans, I believe in evolution. I think the idea that some Christians take a literalist view of the Bible is laughable. That isn't to say that I don't think there's any value in the Bible. I think used in a certain context it can be a wonderful pedagogical tool, but believing that it should be interpreted literally is like teaching your kids not to talk to strangers by telling them there really is a witch in the woods who will lure them into her gingerbread house.
Honestly, I don't see why they seem to think Creation is the most miraculous way for God to create the world. I wouldn't call myself a Christian as defined by modern standards, but I do believe in God. To me, millions of years of tiny variations and adaptations resulting in human beings is like a symphony of miracles orchestrated by a Supreme Being. (Whether you think that the supreme being is God, Buddha, or Leeloo, is your own business).